Yesterday, a memorial meeting was held in Brno Chrlice on a native native, a combat squadron and transport pilot Leopold Srom. The event took place in the park of the former Archbishop’s mansion, which is normally inaccessible to the public. The introductory speech and the welcome of all the important guests were also given by the relative and coincidence of the namesake of the recalled Leopold Srom. The ceremonial opening of the commemorative plaque dedicated to this part of the jubilee anniversary took place symbolically in the same place where 72 years ago the pilot landed back home.
After returning to the castle park, the local mayor, the authors of the biographical book issued in 2008, the chairman of the Czechoslovak legionary community for Brno, gave a short speech and finally presented a picture created in the Aviation Art Gallery specially for this occasion. In the afternoon, a biographical exhibition about this combat pilot was launched in the castle’s hall and, in parallel with it, a presentation of war artifacts, collections of decorations and equipment. In the park, the RAF field camp, the real size Spitfiru Mk.IXc, the military technique and members of various KVHs in the period uniforms of the British and Soviet armies were visible throughout the day. The whole atmosphere of this event was further accentuated by the period songs played by the Baobab group.